Entrance Exams Explained

What is the Eleven Plus?

The 11+ is a type of entrance exam for students who wish to attend a secondary grammar school in England or Northern Ireland. Some independent schools also administer the 11+ exam. It is taken in the Autumn or Spring term by Primary school students in year 6.

What does the exam consist of?

The content will vary from school to school, although some boroughs/schools use the same examining boards or administer their own tests as part of a consortium. The test will consist of an English section, this could contain one or more elements of the following: comprehension, writing, grammar and punctuation elements, vocabulary and a cloze test. There will also be a Mathematics/Mental Arithmetic section which could cover many areas of Maths, although there is a number section, followed by word problems. Some schools also cover Verbal and Non-Verbal/Spatial Reasoning as part of their exams in order to test logic and problem solving.

What are the differences between state, grammar and independent schools?

An independent school is independently run and is not dependent upon funds by the state. It often covers it’s costs through fees paid by parents/carers. Some independent schools are academically selective, meaning students have to perform well in an exam and interview in order to gain entrance. Many independent schools offer a small number of scholarships for children gifted in an area of the curriculum, a sport or display of a musical talent.

A grammar school is a state governed academically selective school, whereby a student’s ability to gain entrance is largely determined by their performance in an entrance exam. There are currently 163 grammar schools in England and 69 in Northern Ireland.

A comprehensive school is state run and does not select pupils by their performance in an entrance exam, but by considering other factors such as whether they are within the catchment area.

What other entrance exams are there?

The most commonly taken exam is the 11+, followed by the 7+, although a small number of places are sometimes offered by schools for entry to different year groups.

ExamWhen the exam is taken
Seven Plus (7+)During year 2, for entry to year 3 (Middle school)
Eight Plus (8+)During year 3, for entry to year 4
Nine Plus (9+)During year 4, for entry to year 5
Ten Plus (10+)During year 5, for entry to year 6
Eleven Plus (11+)During year 6, for entry to year 7 (Upper/High School)
Twelve Plus (12+)During year 7, for entry to year 8
Thirteen Plus (13+)During year 8, for entry to year 9
Fourteen Plus (14+)During year 9, for entry to year 10
Sixteen Plus (16+)During year 11, for entry to year 12 (sixth form)

What is the the timeline for the schools application process?

  • Research Schools

    Depending on the borough you live in, you will be able to apply for between 3 and 6 schools on behalf of your child. Therefore, it is important to choose wisely when it comes to the schools you select. The first step, therefore, is to find out more about the schools you are interested in. Read the school prospectuses and find out additional information on their websites. Consider the location of the schools and how accessible they will be for you to reach. Many parents are willing to relocate, but this is a huge decision and one that is personal to you.

  • Attend Open Days

    Attending school open days are a great chance for you and your child to get a feel for the school’s environment that you don’t get on paper. It is also a good opportunity to ask questions. It is important that you get your child’s input and point of view on the schools you visit, as a child’s perspective can be invaluable in the decision making process.

  • Apply

    With regards to independent schools, you will apply directly to the schools themselves. If your child is applying for grammar schools you will need to complete a CAF (Common Application Form). Make sure you complete your applications by the deadlines, which vary from school to school.

  • Prepare

    Preparation for your child’s exams will likely have begun well before this, but once you have decided which schools to apply for, the study will become more focused. Have a look at sample/past papers to get a feel for the content and plan your child’s study in line with this. You may have the support of a tutor to assist you with preparation.

  • Attend Exams

    Make sure your child is aware of when their exams are (the month and then day closer to the time) so they are not caught by surprise. Remember your child can only do their best with the knowledge and skills that they currently have at the point of their exams.

  • Results sent out

    After completion of the exams it is a waiting game for the results which are usually sent out within a couple of weeks/up to a month.

  • Attend Interviews

    If your child has managed to pass the test they will likely be invited for an interview at the school. This is often an informal talk with one or more senior members of staff. They may ask questions about your child’s interests or reasons for applying for the school. Some interviews involve a group activity or discussion with other children, before student’s and their parents are met with individually.

  • Offers

    If your child is offered a place then you can celebrate! If not, don’t be disheartened. There are many factors that can affect a child’s performance in an exam and it is not by any means a full picture of their intelligence. A lot of it is working speedily and accurately under pressure as well as application of skills and techniques in answering questions. Current academic knowledge is only one of the factors that contribute to a child’s exam success.

  • Consider Next Steps

    If your child was not offered a place at 11+, but you are still keen on them attending a grammar or independent school they can be entered for the 12+ or 13+ exams. It is advisable to take into consideration the marks they got in their 11+ exams. If they did really well and narrowly missed out on a place it may be worth thinking about school entry via the 12 Plus/ 13 Plus route. It is worth noting that not all Independent or Grammar schools offer this route.