
To enquire about the availability of one-to-one private tuition in London/online with site founder Sarah, email: To read more about her academic background click here.


If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.

~ Ignacio Estrada

Recognising and celebrating the individuality in children plays a significant role in successfully educating them. Sarah believes that in order for students to gain a deeper understanding of subjects and topics, they need to be encouraged to develop a love of learning. This can be initiated by recognising (and taking into account) a child’s learning style; as well as keeping sessions varied, engaging and well-paced. Linking abstract content within lessons to real life or relatable scenarios helps embed what a child is absorbing; additionally it aids them in understanding the importance of what they are being taught as something beyond writing on a page.


School entrance exam preparation (English, Mathematics,
Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning) Eleven Plus exams preparation
7+, 8+, 9+, 10+, 11+, 12+, 13+
Year 6 Sats exam preparation10 -11
Curriculum linked English, Mathematics and Science (Targeted)5-13
Phonics5-6 /7
Creative Writing and Essay Writing5-16
Skills Development in English/Mathematics for children with dyslexia, dyscalculia or dysgraphia.5-16
Handwriting 5 and over
Homeschooling (daytime tuition) covering the National Curriculum.5-13
Writing Projects (Click here for information)7 and over


The advantage of private tuition over large group teaching, is that it allows lesson content to be pitched at the right level for the child. Lessons can be either a single subject, or a combination of subjects. Different topics and activities are covered, providing context to theories so that students can link abstract concepts to real life. Children are encouraged to develop strategies so they can approach new or challenging questions using a clear method. Expectations of students are high and they always make significant progress with Sarah.


During the first lesson, pupils are informally assessed in their chosen subjects. From the results of these tests, targets for progression are discussed with the child and their parent(s)/caregiver(s) and a plan drawn up. This assessment ensures lessons are tailored to the specific needs of the student and not just generalised study. Assessments are repeated on a quarterly basis, in order that progress can be monitored and targets updated. An additional method of assessment is end of lesson/topic short quizzes. Although not as comprehensive as assessment papers, their benefit is to provide children with the opportunity to revise previous topics in a fun way, whilst ensuring their have been no gaps in their learning.


Homework is typically centred around revision of the topics that have been covered within the lesson. This can either be questions, reading material, or a combination of both. Occasionally, children may be set challenge questions to extend their learning and give them a head-start on the next lesson. Homework further embeds learning and provides children with an opportunity to independently practice what they’ve learnt.


Online tutoring lessons are carried out via Zoom video/voice conferencing. It is very similar to face-to-face tuition in style. The student will have their exercise book and/or worksheets/prompt sheets in front of them and write by hand. Sarah uses a mixture of file/screen sharing, online whiteboard, discussion (verbal/written) and combines or uses one method to best suit the needs of the student. Parents are kept up to date via a telephone discussion or emailed a lesson summary if they are a bit busy to talk via telephone.

Another method used for home tutoring is sending out and receiving work via email. Through this method, students are able to complete their allocated work at a time that suits them. Work is still marked and assessed, feedback given and targets for improvement set.


These run during school holidays and offer students an opportunity to make advanced progress within a short period of time. Particularly popular over the Summer are Sarah’s Eleven Plus Courses, that fully prepare children for their upcoming exams. Sarah also offers Creative Writing Courses and Topic Based Projects. Click here for more information.


πŸ’  London-wide private tutor/tutoring (Redbridge, Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham, Barking & Dagenham, Newham, Kensington & Chelsea, Greenwich, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Woodford, East London, etc).

πŸ’  Possibility of covering surrounding areas of London for intensive half-day holiday course

πŸ’  Online tutor or Home Tutor in East London / Maths Tutor East London / English Tutor East London / 11+ Tutor East London / Eleven Plus Tutor East London