Writing Feedback

Please email contact@elevenaid.co.uk if you would like to use the Writing Feedback service.

How it works….

  • Email Sarah a sample of your child’s writing. This can be fiction (e.g. a story) or non-fiction (e.g. instructions). It can be either typed or hand-written (a scanned upload). Please ensure it is no longer than 1,000 words typed, or two A4 sides of lined paper handwritten. Mention your child’s year group and whether they are being entered for an exam (e.g. the Eleven Plus).

  • Within seven days you will receive a detailed feedback report on the writing sample via an email PDF attachment. This will include the following:

๐Ÿ’  A comprehensive discussion of the areas your child did well in. This will assist you in recognising the competencies of your child in regards to their written work.

๐Ÿ’ Detailed analysis of areas for improvement. A constructive outlook covering, for example: grammatical errors made, features not included, missing or incorrectly used punctuation etc.

๐Ÿ’ A tracker sheet outlining their personalised targets, with examples/ways to achieve them. This can be ticked off and commented on (by you or them) as they gradually incorporate the elements into their writing.

Case Study…

Houssem has been working on improving his story writing through the Writing Feedback Service. He enjoys writing longer stories that can be sectioned into chapters and needed assistance with how to structure this. His favourite genre of writing is thriller and he has been taught some techniques on how to enhance the features of this genre in his writing. An additional target of his is improving his editing skills. He is currently working on a chapter book which he will aim to self-edit before seeking external feedback.